I use this activity “Get Outlook Mail Messages” and there are my properties set up.
I put Account as blank because is it the same account that I’m using on my Studio.
I set MailFolder as “Inbox”, Filter as “[Subject] = ‘Course Invoices’”, checked both MarkAsRead and OnlyUnreadMessages, OrderByDate as NewestFirst, Top as 30, Messages as CourseEmails.
Then the activity “Get Outlook Mail Messages” is linked to another activity “Log Message”. I set up Log Level as Info and Message as CourseEmails.Count.ToString + " mail messages have been retrieved."
There are emails with the subject “Course Invoices” in my outlook email but when I run the project, the count of email comes out as 0.
@Gokul001 Still cannot. Is it because of this Account set up? I leave it blank because I want to count the number of mails from this outlook mail “seinrpa@outlook.com” and I am current using Studio debugging using the account “seinrpa@outlook.com”.