Cannot connect to SauceLabs on MDM

I’m trying to connect to SauceLabs with this Settings for my application

But won’t connect I’m getting error on Saucelab end

Failed to download mobile app: u’storage:filename="TestApp3.ipa"‘; Cannot find any file whose name matches to u’"TestApp3.ipa"’ at the storage

Are you sure the file is uploaded? The error is clear on the fact that it can’t find the file.

Later edit: try not to use “” around the filename. The app should be storage:filename=TestApp3.ipa

I’ve removed the quotes still getting the same error. And I have uploaded the app. In the Build column it says Real Device is that the problem? I want to send it to Simulator iOS device.

This is the error after I’ve removed the quotes

Failed to download mobile app: u’storage:filename=TestApp3.ipa’; Cannot find any file whose name matches to u’TestApp3.ipa’ at the storage

And here is the Device setting that I’m trying to connect to for more context

I have resolved the error by removing “appiumVersion” “1.22.3” in Desired Capabilities.

I am now able to connect to SauceLabs via UiPath Mobile Device Manager.

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