How to use UiPath with Sauce Labs?

I want to integrate UiPath with Sauce Labs to run my test on Sauce Cloud. Can you please tell me if it’s possible, if yes, how to do it.

can i get the screen shot what you want to integrate with uipath

Sauce Labs is a cloud environment for Cross Browser testing and I want to run my Uipath test cases on Sauce Cloud. Is there a way around.

I also never did this I think he will help you
Hello @AndersJensen can please help us

We hope we will get a response from you

Chethan P


It is possible to do it.
You should configure your Sauce Labs profile as well and configure UiPath Mobile Device Manager and/or the Device connection activity on your test project .

To do it,

  1. open the MDM in your studio PRO image
  2. configure the device on MDM devices tab

For mode details about the device configuration, you can refer to the official documentation here: Cloud Devices

You can get the Appium URL from Sauce Labs by navigating to Account > User Settings and copying the string from the Driver Creation .

Sergio Scorsoglio

Your advice is very helpful. Thank you very much for that.
I can connect to an app on a device on SauceLabs. It takes a while to connect and it’s not particularly performant or stable, but I can use it to configure activities . Unfortunately there is a problem with debugging. Immediately after the start there is an error 403. What could be the cause? I currently use an account without “plan”.

in the meantime I have set up a local Appium server and it works very well with physical Android devices.

You can try with BrowserStack as well please have a look on below webinar session where my team mate has explained about it on practical ways.

How do I add a mobile application to Mobile Device Manager that has been added in Sauce Labs App Management? In BrowserStack an ID is provided when the app is uploaded in URL format (bs://{app-id}). In Sauce Labs I see a file ID but UiPath requires a URL. I tried “sl://{file-id}” to no avail

EDIT: Figured it out, syntax is “storage:{file-id}” (docs)