I have been thinking about this issue for a while, and I know that a project created in Windows Compatibility cannot be changed to Windows Legacy.
A new project must be created in Windows Legacy to create the entire process
What I was thinking was that what if we simply changed the activities package version we are using to the required windows legal activities package version?
Do you think it will be helpful
If possible, how can I find the Windows legcay version of that particakur activity package?
So you wont see the legacy packages in Windows and windows packages in Legacy. That is how it is. If you open manage packages you will see that. But yes…One help you might get is if you downgrade in windows then may be you would be able to copy paste the activities across
So say you have two projects one is windows compatible amd other is windows legacy compatible for simplicity lets say wl and w
Now if you downgrade to old packages say 20.* or 21.* which are little older then there might be a possibility for you to copy the activities from wl projects to w projects. So that you need not recreate whole.
But as both wl and w are having little differences in packages you might not be able to copy all the activities across.
This way you can try migrating from wl to w or vicecersa. But as I said it is possible only for few activties but not for all.