Can we use TAB in text box without using hot key

Can we use TAB in text box without using hot key.Hi Sir I need your help @Lahiru.Fernando @balupad14

You can use type into.



Thanks for reply.but this replace my amount value as mention in screen shot

Does simulate type True? If yes turn to False.


Don’t simulate type. Make that property false. It will make tab.

then my logic not worked when my screen lock and already used send hot key with enable send window message.but not work.
Actually I have a excel sheet which contain 15 k records.I need to insert the data in web site from excel.Now this whole process takes 20 to 22 hrs.But when my screen locked then my tab click not work.I take a screen shot also. As mention in attachment.
When I insert amount in text box then click on tab there is logic in website Adjustment amount + Current Outstanding Reverse shows in New out standing reverse then click on save it will save the data.But here tab is not work so its not automatically calculate the amount and not able to save. @Lahiru.Fernando @balupad14 @Palaniyappan

What error do you get exactly when you lock the screen?

NO I did not get any error in hot key as mention above attachment it try to click on save button but its not able to calculate amount because tab not work.So after default time it move to next activity and thats not found it throw then error selector not found.