Can we use project made in classic activities in latest version


i have developed projects using classic activities and some with combination of classic and modern activities.In future when i will install new version / latest version of UiPath can i able to use/open this previously made projects using classic and comb of classic and new activities?

Hi @Mathkar_kunal ,

Yes, you should be able to open and use projects generated with a mix of classic and modern activities in newer versions of UiPath Studio. UiPath aims for maximum backward compatibility, ensuring that projects created with earlier versions can still be opened and executed in upcoming versions.

Vinit Mhatre

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hello @Mathkar_kunal ,

Projects created with a mix of classic and modern activities in UiPath Studio should generally be compatible with newer versions. However, it’s wise to keep backups and test in a non-production environment after upgrading, as there might be minor adjustments needed due to potential breaking changes or deprecated features.

Dheerendra Vishwakarma

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