(In this Query, We create coloumns ActivityCodes and Notes and Based on the ContactListName we update the Activity code and Notes. )
(In this Query we are pulling only those 6 ContactListName rows.)
In the Above Excel file there can be any number of rows, Sometimes only 3 or sometimes 20.
So i want the Bot to read the Excel file and Update those conditions in Query Based on input from from the Excel File in an interactive manner Everytime the Bot runs.
Is it Possible? if Possible then How to Approach it?
It is possible in the query in place of contqct list values use some place holder like contant_list_name IN ('<Contactlist>')
Noe say the query is in string str then use str.Replace("<ContactList>",String.Join("','",dt.AsEnumerable.Select(function(x) x("contact_list_name").ToString).ToArray))
This will join all the strings in the column with ',' and the. Will replace the string