I have to select particular value from drop downbox. While passing input value to select item , can I perform .Trim() and .ToLower() function on drop downbox ?
E.g. : input value is “x.y”
Drop down box contains following values :
I want to select “X.y” to be selected even if I pass “x.y” to select item.
Well I am having values stored with DOT separator.
E.g. :
Now , when I set the input as “David.Woldo” to select item , it works properly . But when when set the input to
John.Desley , it failed to find element in drop down box.
obviously it doesn’t work for (john.desley <>John.Desley ). Your dropdown item value is in small case and your input is in start case.
It should be in same case.((like David.Woldo= David.Woldo)
So it’s case sensitive .
according to your Dropdown item you need to change the input value and then pass it in select item activity.