Can we delete Default Tenant?

Hi @Palaniyappan ,

We have created a default tenant named “KriyagoDefalut” but we are not using this tenant and using separate tenants for Dev, UAT, and Production.

I wanted to confirm whether can we delete the default tenant since we not using it.


Yes you can delete the tenant if you are not using


Thanks for reply @Anil_G

But this is the default tenant? and In the below link, @Palaniyappan mentioned It can’t be deleted. This is the old Topic. so just need confirmation shall I Delete it or just Disable it?


I hope you are modern design only…in classic you have default tenant and all…in modern there is no separation as such…and you can freely delete the tenant…

These are the only considerations that you need to check…if you are not using you are free to delete


Thanks, @Anil_G

we are not using modern design yet. will it affect ?



Then it might…Better disable it

Or first try changing the default tenant to another tenant and then delete it…if you are able to directly…else defult can be changed from DB which is a process again…if you dont want all that jsut disable


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Thanks @Anil_G

Will try and let you know

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