Can Uipath interact with Alteryx?
I’m also interested in how the hand-off works between the two tools. If I have an excel file that I would like to send to Alteryx as an input, what would the best way to do that be?
Although I do not now the application, my experience with UiPath tells me that it should not be impossible
The best way is to simply try.
It will also strongly depend on your requirements, of course.
Sorry if I’m reviving an old thread. I’m having issues typing into an Alteryx Analytic App. The selector is valid and recognized in the Edit Selector menu, however when the bot runs, the activity is skipped over completely. No erro r is thrown meaning that the selector was found, but for whatever reason the typing and clicking is not performed.
Hi @tuanxn
Have you tried different input methods as explained well in this documentation article?
It might be that some methods are not compatible with the Alteryx App.
Thanks @loginerror, we’ve tried multiple input methods, but it doesn’t seem to work. The funny thing is that the workflow will run fine on some computers, but not others. Running Enterprise 18.3, however the computers are different (Dell vs. HP).
@tuanxn I am having a similar issue. It seems my computer is not picking up the correct selectors while other people are having no issue at all. Let me know if you find a solution.
@sducey95, it seems UiPath is running at a lower elevated mode than Alteryx. If you open UiPath as administrator, that should fix the issue.
Yes! Once we run both Uipath and Alteryx as administrator, the activities worked fine.