Can not publish to any feed because of version error


I can not publish my processes.
1.New process publishes well.
2.When I try to publish Old process, checking process goes well. but this error occur, finally.

here is the error log

Value cannot be null. (Parameter ‘version’)

Exception: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter ‘version’)
at UiPath.NuGet.Package…ctor(String id, String version)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.ProjectDependenciesProvider.<>c.b__2_0(PackageDependencyState r)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectEnumerableIterator2.ToArray() at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable1 source)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.RuntimeDependencyService.GetRuntimeProjectItems(IEnumerable1 runtimeDependencies, IEnumerable1 dependencies)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.RuntimeDependencyService.HasLegacyPackage(IEnumerable1 runtimeDependencies, IEnumerable1 dependencies)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.RuntimeDependencyService.GetRuntimeDependencies(IEnumerable1 dependencies, IEnumerable1 allPackages)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.RuntimeDependencyService.GetRuntimeDependencies(IWorkflowProjectModel workflowProjectModel)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.ProcessPublishProcessor.CloneWorkflowProject(IWorkflowProjectModel projectModel)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.PublishProcessor.SetupAsync(IWorkflowProjectModel projectModel, ProjectPublishSettings settings)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.ProjectPublishProcessor.SetupAsync(IWorkflowProjectModel projectModel, ProjectPublishSettings settings)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.ProcessPublishProcessor.SetupAsync(IWorkflowProjectModel projectModel, ProjectPublishSettings settings)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.PublishService.PublishAsync(IWorkflowProjectModel projectModel, IPublishSettings settings), HResult -2147467261

Hii @Golf_Aquascape

while publishing older processes in UiPath, it can be due to various reasons, including changes in dependencies, package versions, or configurations.


On that error log, There looks in problem “version”.
UiPath.Nuget.package…ctor s id and version… ther looks some key…
Do you have any idea or hint of it?

UiPath.Nuget.Package likely pertains to a version compatibility issue with the packages used in your UiPath project.
This can occur when there’s a mismatch between the version of a package referenced in your project and the version that the project is trying to use during execution

Check Package Versions,open the package manager Update or downgrade packages to ensure compatibility.


If there are any outdated dependencies in the project, update them to the latest versions. This can be done in the “Manage Packages” section of UiPath Studio.

Cheers @Golf_Aquascape

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There was problem during I using mass dependecy updater.
I think I have to use that tool with care

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