Error in Publishing a Package to Orchestrator in UIPath

when I publish new vesion of package to orchestrator , studio occur error.
i am using 23.10 enterprise version and version value is not empty ( when publishing )

Hi @Wall_E

Open Manage Packages and try to update the packages then try again

already done it occur deploying …

Check if this solution works for you


  1. Try to remove the project.json and reopen the project and then publish
  2. Validate the project and check if there are any errors on any of the xamls by opening project panel and check if any file has a red exclamation on it


오류: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter ‘version’)
at UiPath.NuGet.Package…ctor(String id, String version)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.ProjectDependenciesProvider.<>c.b__2_0(PackageDependencyState r)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectEnumerableIterator2.ToArray() at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable1 source)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.RuntimeDependencyService.GetRuntimeProjectItems(IEnumerable1 runtimeDependencies, IEnumerable1 dependencies)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.RuntimeDependencyService.HasLegacyPackage(IEnumerable1 runtimeDependencies, IEnumerable1 dependencies)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.RuntimeDependencyService.GetRuntimeDependencies(IEnumerable1 dependencies, IEnumerable1 allPackages)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.RuntimeDependencyService.GetRuntimeDependencies(IWorkflowProjectModel workflowProjectModel)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.ProcessPublishProcessor.CloneWorkflowProject(IWorkflowProjectModel projectModel)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.PublishProcessor.SetupAsync(IWorkflowProjectModel projectModel, ProjectPublishSettings settings)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.ProjectPublishProcessor.SetupAsync(IWorkflowProjectModel projectModel, ProjectPublishSettings settings)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.ProcessPublishProcessor.SetupAsync(IWorkflowProjectModel projectModel, ProjectPublishSettings settings)
at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.PublishService.PublishAsync(IWorkflowProjectModel projectModel, IPublishSettings settings), HResult -2147467261

First Validate the project and check if there are any errors.

Then publish it.

This is really bad advice Anil_G. It will destroy any packages you may have added and revert to the default ones, it will also remove the status of any test cases, linked test data, version number, detail of the project type and have Studio kind of guess these things / revert to defaults.

This absolutely should not be the first advice given.

It seems that there was a conflict between the enterprise package source and the custom package source. In package management, I resolved the issue by unchecking in the custom package sources. Something seems to have changed in the 2023.10 version.

it occured also when project’s package version differ with library(that user made)

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