Can not execute UiPath project in remote environment


First I will explain my project behavior.

I’m working on 2 remote machines as Robot to execute half of the process in remote machine 1 and half of the project in remote machine 2.

Remote machine 1 is the place where I implement the UiPath project.

I can execute my project in Dev environment.

When I execute the same project in Prod environment , when it comes to access elements in remote machine 2 , it failed saying that element selectors are not accessible.


It might be access issue. Please check whether you have an admin access for prod envrionment.

If it is not please get the access of admin and try it.


Pradeep Sridharan

@Pradeep Thanks for your quick response.

I have admin access for prod environment. But it didn’t work

Ok fine. Please confirm whether the selectors for both dev and prod is same.

If it is possible please share it here. Otherwise test the particular part in the separate xaml.


Pradeep Sridharan

Hi @SachiniJ ,

I have worked before once in Remote Environment,first thing we should have uipath installed in Remote server if yes ,make sure you have access to Read/Write to that particular server(Most of the production servers,we will not have Read/Write access because of security issue so please check with admin team)

Hi all,

Finally I got resolved this by installing Windows Remote Desktop Extension.

Thank you for your valuable ideas

Hi @SachiniJ ,

Appreciate if you could send the steps how u have configured this in Remote desktop.