Can I use UIPath to automate a web based application developed in Angular 2 ?
Give a try.
I did not understand this answer.
Means did you end up with any error or your facing any issue ?
No, I am very new to UI path and I was trying to check if that is doable or not. Anyways thanks for your response.
I have been trying automate a web app developed with Angular and have been running into many issues with finding reliable selectors to use. Angular, by design sort of has no use for specific IDs since it uses javascript objects attached to html elements instead of relying on IDs to be able to identify particular elements. This causes a big problem UIPath, so far in my experience. Several Angular and Knockout apps that I have had to make automation projects for so far did not have any identifiable IDs or data-attributes to use for selectors. This means that UIPath has to use other means for selectors. It can definitely be done using things like anchor-base, relative selectors, delays and such, but it creates a foundation that will not work with any app updates or changes that breaks these fragile selectors. So it can be done, but depending on the available selectors, it may be a “house of cards” type project. That only means that it would not stand up to changes withing the app format. It could still work if there are not going to be any changes.