Can I choose a folder to save to?


I’m trying to build an app and I would like to choose a folder in a similar way I can choose a file with file uploader/downloader.
I would like that the users can choose themselves where to save information.
Is that possible and if it is can I get clear instructions how to succeed? I have been searching everywhere.

Thank you in advance!

Hi @Hanne

yes you can achieve that by using the input dialog box activity.


→ When you run the code the input dilog box asks for the input and then provide the path over there.

→ Pass the output of the input dialog box activity to the place where you want to give the path.



Browse for Folder


In a UiPath Studio process, you can use the “Select Folder” activity.


  1. Open UiPath Studio.
  2. Create a new project or open an existing one.
  3. Drag and drop the “Select Folder” activity onto your workflow.
  4. In the properties panel for the “Select Folder” activity, you’ll see the “Output” field. This field will contain the selected folder path after the user makes a selection.
  5. You may want to store this path in a variable. To do this, create a variable in the “Variables” panel by clicking on the “Create Variable” button. Set the variable type to String.
  6. In the “Select Folder” activity, set the “Output” field to the variable you just created.
  7. To display the selected folder path or use it in your workflow, you can use a message box or other activities depending on your requirements.

I have manage to create the workflow and I have the variable but I’m not sure I understand…
I would like to choose the folder from the app similar to this but I don’t find similar thing from the add control for the folders.


@Hanne ,

you can’t chose folder. can you by pass folder manually?



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