Call Google Doument AI workbench custom model from uipath for data extraction

I have developed the custom data extraction model using google document AI.
I want to integrate this using UiPath .
How to do it?


Welcome to UiPath community

Hope the below steps would help you resolve this

  1. Set up the UiPath project:
    a. Open UiPath Studio and create a new project.
    b. Install the UiPath.DocumentUnderstanding package.
    c. Configure the Google Cloud API key by adding the JSON key file to the project and setting the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the path of the key file.
    d. Create a new Document Understanding Scope activity and set the Google Cloud API key in the properties panel.
    e. Create a new activity to upload a document to the Google Document AI API, such as the “Classify Document” activity.

  2. Build the workflow:
    a. Create a new sequence and add the activities to upload a document and extract data using your custom model.
    b. Use the “Classify Document” activity to send the document to the Google Document AI API and extract the required data.
    c. Map the extracted data to variables or write it to a database or file.

  3. Test and refine:
    a. Test the workflow with sample documents and refine it as necessary to improve accuracy and performance.
    b. Experiment with different settings in the Google Document AI processor to improve the accuracy of the custom model.
    c. Monitor the workflow and update it as necessary to accommodate changes in the document format or data requirements.

By following these steps, you can integrate a custom data extraction model using Google Document AI with UiPath and automate the data extraction process for your business needs.

Cheers @shital.funde

Even I wanted to know how to call document ai using API from UiPath to extract pdf headers and tables

Hey its been a while but did you get it to work? I can’t figure out how to get it to work