Intelligent Document Process and SAP Automation using UiPATH Tool

Intelligent Document Process and SAP Automation using UiPATH Tool

Use Case Description

Data Extraction using UiPath DU and uploading data to SAP
1)Opening Database and downloading required files(Ex: invoices, bills, image type bills, handwritten forms) in a Newly created Local Folder.
2)Go to the AI Center page in, create the required Invoices related to the ML Package(Out of the box) and deploy it(It will take some time to deploy)-This Package Need to use in Data Extraction Scope stage.
3) Open UiPath Studio and create a new workflow and install Document understanding related packages.
4) Now create a Taxonomy for your required Keywords digitize, Classify, Extract data using OCR tools in Data Extraction Scope with Validations.
5)After Validations Extract the results in Excel Worksheet and Send them to email for Excel sheet Data Validation.
6) If Validation is Successful, Create another workflow for Data Uploading one by one in SAP Application using SAP Automation.
7)Logging in SAP and creating Database in SAP, uploading data in one by one rows using Input excel sheet and maintaining exact data validations.
8) After successful data uploading in SAP, Logoff SAP Application and exit.
9)Task was Completed.


UiPath USECASE.pdf

Other information about the use case

Industry categories for this use case: Information Technology and Services

Skill level required: Intermediate

UiPath Products that were used: UiPath Studio, UiPath AI Center, UiPath Document Understanding, UiPath Orchestrator

Other applications that were used: -

Other resources: -

What is the top ROI driver for this use case?: Accelerate growth and operational efficiency

Hi @srinivasmarneni

Thank you for your submission.

Please see our remarks below to qualify for a certification discount voucher:

  • as per the rules of the contest, the description of the use case should be at least 100 words
  • the To-Be workflow should follow the sample here and be attached as an image under the AS-IS WORKFLOW, TO-BE WORKFLOW header
    This will make it easily accessible for everyone. Any additional files are fine as well, but this is the main requirement.

Please edit your post above with these changes, mainly the description :slight_smile:

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Yes, I added a description for my UseCase.


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Yes, I added Description for my usecase.
