"Build Data Table" and assign in variable

Hello guys. I would like to assign the data table into one variable and write it into the write range (the data table row), but it doesn’t work, any one knows why? Thank you for the help!

In variable panel make sure the datatype of that variable is system.data.datatable
Like this
The first variable can see in the variable panel


you can right click that property field and create like this which will automatically create a datatable variable
Something like this


Cheers @CHAN_Hiu_Fung_Victor_Stud


The datatable variable should be of type system.data.datatable …please change it currently is is DBType which is. Wrong

Also aternately you can create the variable of require dtype by clicking ctrl+k when on the firld where you need the variable.this way variable is automatically created with required datataype


Hi @CHAN_Hiu_Fung_Victor_Stud ,
Check type of variable

it’s data table
to corectly
in property of build data, you use ctrl+K to create variable
