Bug in UiPath v2024.4.1 and RE-Framework v23.4.2

Hi Team,

I find a bug with the Expression Editor at RE Framework version 23.4.2 for all of the Transitions state.

My observations:

  1. When I see the conditions in the Transition, we see the conditions of our flows. AS shown below

  1. When I tried to edit the condition in Expression Editor, the condition showing blank as shown in attachment


Hi @batthula.p949 ,

I have also faced the same issue with the RE-Framework v23.4.2
Transition conditions are not editable and sometimes are not updating the changes.

@uipath @Jobin_Joy @AutomationX_by_Kiran


Any particular reason to use an old version?

I tried to replicate the issue with latest Studio and latest template (24.10) and everything works as expected.