Hi all, I created a bat file to run a workflow as per below syntax but job doesn’t start.
“UiRobot.exe_Path” /file:”Main.xaml_Path”
i added pause to see what is happening and cmd shows strange font as per below image. issue similar to below link, but solution doesn’t work. i am already on notepad++ with encoding set to utf-8. pls help
thx for reply. i know junk characters causing issue, but don’t know how to make junk disapear. screenshot syntax in notepad++, no junk … another thread (link in my post) said to chg encoding to UTF-8 but mine is already at UTF-8. i face this issue even if i use regular notepad. pls help advise, thx
@lakshman i typed again in fresh notepad. i tried saving .bat with UTF-8 and it still has junk character. then i try back with ANSI and it works. so problem is solved now thanks for help