Badges for completing ui path certification


Thanks for reporting, we found the bug and it is now resolved.

I got ā€˜Junior Robotā€™ Badgeā€™
Thank you So muchā€¦ for your great support :slight_smile:

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I have completed below certifications

RPA Developer Foundation
RPA Solution Architect Foundation
RPA Developer Advanced

I had completed the Advance certification in 2018 and my primary email address is also same. But havenā€™t receive any badge etc. I have validated my email on uipath forum as well as on academy both are same. Can you please check or manually add me to the groups.

We are continuously improving the process, and it looks like our latest fix allowed the robot to properly sync your status. Enjoy! :slight_smile:

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good to know that because I am working on uipath from 2017 that is why i was curious why these badges are not showing on my profile.

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I have also completed below certifications

RPA Developer Foundation
RPA Developer Advanced
But badges are not getting displayed in forumā€¦I am also using the same email address for both forum and Academy.

I have also completed below certifications

RPA Developer Foundation
RPA Developer Advanced
But badges are not getting displayed in forumā€¦I am also using the same email address for both forum and Academy

could you help us on this.
Thanks in Advance

I have also completed below certifications

RPA Developer Foundation
RPA Developer Advanced
But badges are not getting displayed in forumā€¦I am also using the same email address for both forum and Academy.

Can you please help me out .
Thanks in advance.

Hi @athira.somasekharan @nikhil.girish @suraj.setty

Could you post a screenshot here of your RPA Developer Foundation course from Academy that includes the date of completion?

Please also double check that the email you have on Academy matches your Forum one (=you use the same UiPath Account to login to Academy and to Forum)

This will help us debug the issue.

@suraj.setty @nikhil.girish @athira.somasekharan
Thank you. It is a bit too much info :slight_smile:

What we need is this:


Thatā€™s the Learning Plan that was set as a requirement for the Advanced group :slight_smile:

In hindsight, it might also make sense to add this one to these requirements:

But currently it is not considered, and therefore does not affect the assignment to the advanced group and the badge.

@loginerror : I have a similar issue.
I have finished All 3 levels back in Jan 2019 along with clearing certification exam on 13th Jan 2019. However, havenā€™t seen the badge being reflected on my profile. Additionally after SSO was implemented, I did few refresher courses and resubmitted surveys which then updated completion date on my profile to few months back of 2020.
Please see below screenshot from my academy profile.

My email address for forum is same as my username for Academy profile however, primary email address listed on my academy account is my corporate email as it is required by my organisation being a Uipath Partner.

Can you please help to resolve it for my profile?

@Latika10011740 : Thanks for pointing to right direction.

Hello Everyone!! I completed my RPA starter yesterday, but havenā€™t received the Badge yet.

Hi @Mrudula_Kulkarni,
It might be delayed for a couple of hours. Please let us know after the weekend if the problem is still.

Hi @Pablito

I have completed RPA Starter Yesterday But still, I havenā€™t receive badge


Hi @Gokul001 @Mrudula_Kulkarni

Could you confirm whether the badge has been assigned to you by now? :slight_smile:

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Yesā€¦!! thank you . It has been assigned now.

Yes @loginerror

Hi has anyone actually received their badges i completed mine in 2019 already the advanced course and like 8 others and have no badges can i please get my badges for this?

Hi can i also have my badges assigned to me

Thanks for my badges however i have finished the advanced course as well and have not received the advanced badge only the junior robot badge