Automatic dependency updates on UiPath projects in GitHub repositories

Within our organization we are utilizing GitHub for version control of all UiPath projects. As part of the repositories, we utilize a GitHub Actions CI/CD pipeline in which we have utilized the UiPath CLI for packing, analyzing, testing and deploying UiPath projects. This works great! But we have a big gap here: We lack automated dependency updates.

As far as I can tell, the UiPath CLI has nothing like the Mass Update tool in UiPath Studio. This tool also is misleading in its name, since it can only manage one directory/repository at the time.

Could there be a way to sync something like Renovate or Dependabot with the project.json files and our production tenant feed of our Orchestrator to automatically update dependencies of UiPath projects in GitHub repositories?

Hi @manderss ,
Thank you for your feedback.
How many automations do you have and how frequent these changes are?
One additional question: Would you go with updating to a specific version of a dependency, or automatically update to newer ones?

Our dependency updates are very frequent, currently almost daily, with ca 20 projects in development targeting the same application.

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