Attended robot - Parameters


Can dynamic parameters be used in an attended robot?




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I hope it’s not possible buddy if it’s a attended robot
Instead we can try with Input dialog box method of getting the user input dynamically

For more insights

Cheers @Gianfranco_Drago

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Hi @Gianfranco_Drago

Just like my friend @Palaniyappan mentioned, this feature doesn’t work yet for attended robot as it does not inherit the value from the process when executed through the robot agent or robot tray… it only works for unattended as of now…

According to UiPath, they will fix it soon… but no timeline for it at the moment…

So what you can do is as a workaround, either allow the user to select the value through input dialog if it is something that can be provided by the user, or have a config file where the robot can read and get the data it needs


Yah kindly try and let know for any queries or clarification

Here you go with an example

Cheers @mz3bel


This i know, i ment how to send the value of the parameters from the process ?

I didn’t get this buddy
If it’s an attended bot then we can get along the process by using INPUT DIALOG BOX activity as the system will be in and human will be there in front so he or she can input the data

If it’s an unattended bot then the system won’t be on so the input dialog box activity won’t be able to take the input
In that case we can pass from orchestrator as arguments

Cheers @mz3bel

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