Attach Browser Selector Issue with 2 URL

Hello All!

I need your help.

I have a 2 selector. One is prod URL, other is test URL . I want to use selector like; The url comes from this or this. I used matching:regex but it has to be match. When i navigate the other pages the url will be changed. We have to eliminate login in url.

<html app='chrome.exe' url='(|(' matching:url='regex' />

I have to use more different pages, so attach browser selector is important for me.



If your application is same and it’s just different environment, you don’t need to check for URL. Use other attributes like title or anything else that is unique to identify the page.

Ashok :slight_smile:

I can’t use title it is variant. First; login page title is different in prod and test environment.

How about wildcarding

<html app='chrome.exe' url='** />


you can use * in url*

so that it can access all urls…as the base url would be same


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