
Datatable, Exceldata\sheet\range with formats, ExcelChart, Img to HTML String for email body.

Package: AtrimalActivitiesPack
Author: @Atrimal


How to use Sample Workflow file AtrimalActivityPack(Autosaved).xaml (8.3 KB)

I can’t open with 1.0.35.
Do we have the new version format? / Thanks in Adv.

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What needs to go into htmlTitle?

Same here

html title may be any string a “Header”, for eg. “Action Required” with excel table rows.
In this case “Action Required” will be in middle and Bold with higher font.

Can you please upload an example ?

hi Atrimal, can you please share the example how to use this activites? as for now after i install you package, still can’t open your workflow.

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Hello Adib,

The owner has unlisted the package. This could mean that the package is deprecated or shouldn’t be used anymore.

Vishal Kumar

so is there a solution for this problem ? converting an Excel table content into HTML ?