I’m having difficulties with my Process file in Uipath Assignment 2 Dispatcher. Every time I debug it gives me an error in the For Each Row activity. Trying to figure out how to get through this and successfully extract my data to the Orchestrator Queue for the Performer. Below I’ve given my variables and arguments and if any one could help it would be greatly appreciated.
Hello @Dmtrs,
I was unable to check your Dispatcher assignment completely because you only uploaded the individual .xaml files.
Anyway, I would recommend that you double check your data scraping result (Extract Structured data Table) and make sure that you have properly set the Output variable for that data scraping table to dt_Workitems, as it is the variable that’s being used in the For Each row activity.
I’m guessing that the output variable set there is still the ExtractDataTable as it is the default one and you probably forgot to change it to dt_Workitems.
If the Output variable for the data scraping table is already dt_Workitems then I would recommend that you try changing its scope to ProcessTransaction.
If the above recommendations don’t work, then please upload your entire assignment folder so that I can check everything.
As per your screens, I saw that For each is failing as it requires input from the Data scrapped Table, where i believe that scraping is not working and it is not extracting the required results
You can alway try placing the output Datatable activity and check the results are coming or not using message box.
If it is not, I hope it will works once you fix that selector