I have an issue when deploying my apps. I have designed a radio button with a couple of different options.
The ListSource has been configured as {“Option A”, “Option B”}.ToListSource() and this seems to work when I launch the App Preview in a development environment.
However, once deployed, my users are experiencing the following error during the launch of the app and the radio button returns “No Data”:
“There was an issue evaluating the expressions in the assembly.”
I don’t quite understand how I can simplify or amend this expression to make it work in production. I haven’t used the new VB Apps extensively and without more details in the error it’s hard to contextualise what’s going wrong.
Has anyone experienced this as well and advise as to how to resolve?
I have asked permission to share the version with you, if my supervisor approves I will reach out to you via DM.
I created a small data entity to store the same information and it appears to be more stable for my users, but I was not able to find a way to load the data using VB.
I have this expression: New List(Of String) From {“Alamo Nex Construction LLC”,“North Perimeter Contractors LLC”,“North Tarrant Infrastructure LLC”,“PLW Waterworks LLC”,“Webber LLC”}.ToListSource()
Users that uses the app receives this popup:
There was an issue evaluating the expressions in the assembly. Please contact administrator.
Trace Id:3fd8c5851ce640e7a5e0da8baf42b25c