[RESOLVED][APP STUDIO] App Loading Failed

Hi everyone,
Do we have a way to see App logs from App Studio preview ?
As I have no clue of what may cause this error!

There was an issue evaluating the expressions in the assembly. Please contact administrator.
Trace Id:3c3e048271804b0182233c3671647d44

Thx a lot for your help

Hi @Sylvain_Farnault

Please try to refresh the browser once and retry.
If the error persists please check the pages on the left side that you have created it will highlight which page has error in expression.


Welcome to the community

Ideally you dont have a log trace that you can see from app studio

As @adiijaiin mentioned Only thing is the red highlight on the page rhat cause the issue


@Anil_G @adiijaiin Thx a lot for your answers.
It is not even possible to load the preview if you still have those red warnings on the left panel.

The refresh trick does’nt work.

For information: I used the button “Migrate to VB” on an App currently in production


mostly this error occurs due to some trigger events or so

if it is failign while oepning only then mostly error is in your app load trigger…check accordingly


In my new VB.net App version, the “Value Binding” setting seams to have disappeared!
Do I have to replace “Value Binding” by a “Set Value” event ?

Thx a lot for your help

Hi @Sylvain_Farnault

Did you convert your legacy app to VB App, if so. Yes you would have to.


yes in vb.net app there is no value binding…so that might be causiug the issue…you need to change


I confirm that defining Set Value events to replace all Value binding I had in the legacy App version was my solution.

FYI: I had as well to go through all If event conditions, and redefining them. That was not causing errors, but dysfunction!

Thx for your help

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