I have two text areas, each with value binding in General tab equal to an out argument I extract in a process.
Each text areas have an event created for “value changed” to start the process that extract the argument I tell you above
Very very simple stuff
The problem is that each process runs minimum two times, sometimes up to seven times, which is crazy behavior as it should run once for each of my text area
Could you maybe also share your robot setup and versions of your Studio/Robot that are running those automations (as well as some screenshots of the behaviour in the Orchestrator Jobs panel)?
Thank you for the extra information. Due to it being quite tricky to reproduce, would it be possible for you to record a short video with the application on one side and this list of processes on the other, so that we can see the full faulty behaviour?
To start debugging the issue, I would suggest creating a new app to try to start fresh (even though the process you’ve shared is indeed already quite basic).