When I start a process from Orchestrator via a trigger or manually it executes twice, however when I start it from the robot it executes just once ?
It’s weird. Could you please show me screenshot of your process flow.
Hi @Gid,
Is the processes executed twice on the same robot or the process once on two different robots ?
Nithin Prabhu
on one Bot, the trigger has been set to use just that one bot
Not sure what was going on, however having re-published the process it only executes once via the trigger now !!!.
hi @Gid
that is exactly the reason , that because you had be created one process and its mark it as a triggering option
then when you start and run it , make sure your robot marks any scheduled to that process
i hope you are using agent desktop because its happens to me while on testing
because already define schedule process also running while trigger also executing
Hello @Maneesha_de_silva ,
Apologies but I could not understand your explanation.
I’m having exactly the same problem as @Gid and his solution did not work for me.
When I attempt to run a process (by schedule or manually) from the orchestrator, it will run twice. Running from the agent it only runs the process once.
In the job’s logs, I can see that the process is executed twice (I have processes that are executed 3 times)
This process in particular only contains a single send email activity which sends an email to myself.
Due to this issue, this sends 2 emails.
For this process, It’s not an issue, however, I have report automations that are being triggered multiple times in the same job and the automation crashes.
Do you know why this happens? Is there a possible solution for my issue?
When you run in “Processes” or “Triggers”, you just need to choose “Alloate dynamically” in “Execution Target”. Thanks.
I’m seeing almost the exact same thing. But my issue is happening when I run Manually. Oddly, my bot is running twice - I know because it creates a Queue item, and it is being created twice - AND it is giving duplicate log entries. So I’m getting 4 log entries:
The oddest part is that both the exact timestamp and fingerprint for the messages (click the “i” info button) are identical. Any thoughts?