Apply a complex formula in excel

How can I apply a complex excel formula (containing text within quotation marks) with UiPath?
The formula I´d like to apply is this one:

Can you try replacing every double quote (“) with two double quotes (”") @aferreira054?

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@aferreira054 another way is to replace double quotes with Chr(34). You’d use a write cell or write range to paste it back into excel. It MUST be the excel read range, workbook read range will not work.

So your string would be: "=iferror(if(vlookup(D6;TABLA;N°;false)=G6;“ + Chr(34) + "OK” + Chr(34) + ";“ + Chr(34) + "REVISAR” + Chr(34) + ");“ + Chr(34) + "PENDIENTE” + Chr(34) + ")"

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