API REQUEST Cod 900901


I really need your help. I’m having trouble getting an API. I made the post to request the Token and so far so good. I entered the bearer token as a variable, bearer acess_token (access_token is requested in the output if I leave only the bearer). I did all the settings, but it still accuses me of the error

{“fault”:{“code”:900901,“message”:“Invalid Credentials”,“description”:“Access failure for API: /consulta-cnpj-df/v2, version: v2 status: (900901) - Invalid Credentials. Make sure you have given the correct access token”}}

I don’t know what the error is, because in postman the request is made normally. Please can someone point me to a solution?

I’m studying, but I still don’t have much knowledge in API




Check the Bearer Token authentication syntax

Authorization: Bearer {token}

Remove “ACCESS_TOKEN” and put one space before to concatenate the token

Hi @lepumina

I had already tried to do that, but it didn’t work. I think it was the space lol. Thanks

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