πŸ“’πŸ’₯ Announcing the UiPath Community HyperHack 2023 Winners!

:loudspeaker: :boom: The wait is over!! We have reached the peak of our 1,5 months journey within UiPath Community HyperHack 2023. This has been an incredible ride for all our contestants, as this year we have reached a record number of registrations and solutions submitted.
:pray::tada::sparkler: Kudos to each and every one of you who decided to embark with us on this journey, to put forward their efforts and expertise whilst competing among the very best professionals in our community!! We are deeply thankful for the incredible talent we have witnessed and the immense contributions you bring into pushing the UiPath innovation further!

After an incredible UiPath HyperHack 2023 Live Finale (first edition live and shared with the public !!), time has come to announce our top 3 winners/each category:

:rocket: Category 1: AI Powered Automation Solutions

:rocket::rocket: Category 2: CORE Business Automation Solutions

The task of selecting both finalists and winners was particularly hard this year, with so many incredible project submissions. We hope you all join us in celebrating them and their work accordingly throughout the community channels!

:loudspeaker: :loudspeaker: Link to share and amplify: http://bit.ly/Hyper_Hack_2023_Winners

:rocket: Big congratulations to all of our HyperHack 2023 winners and finalists! :rocket: :trophy: :globe_with_meridians:


Congratulations to all the winners :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy:



Congratulations to all the winners!!! :star_struck:


Congratulations to all the winners :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:

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Congratulations to all the winners and finalists. Cheers :+1:

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Congratulations to all the winners! The projects are truly a great source of inspiration :partying_face: :partying_face: :star_struck:

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Great journey! Congratulations to all participants, and specialy for my mates at You.Why?Path! team! You rock!

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Congratz to all the winners! :rocket::partying_face:

Congratulations to all the winners.
The Doc Robot application was fire :fire:

Congratulations guys!! This year was a tough competition. Great ideas and projects! I look forward to seeing you in the next edition…

Congratulations to all the winners!!!

Congratulations to all the winners of Hyper Hack and Kudos to all the finalists efforts :slight_smile:

Congratulations to all the winners… :boom: :boom: :boom: :dizzy:

Congrats to all our winners!

Congratulations to all the winners and finalists :blush: