Anchor base activity timeout exceeded error

I have extracted rows in a variable.
In website I need to select checkbox based on that extracted rows & then click button on the top.
Sometimes rows can be in different pages. It has to select that particular rows check box
so used anchor base activity in that used find element & click activity.In that selector,passed dynamic selector like currentrow(0).to string to find element & click.
but facing error like activity timeout exceeded.
tried many ways but no luck.
Please help anyone?

Hello @vnsatyasunil
As you mentioned the checkbox can be in another page as well ryt? So have you implemented a logic to go to next page to click on the checkbox, if its not present in the first page?

You can try using if condition along with element exists. If false, you have to click on next page and do the same procedd. It should work as a loop to navigate to other pages and identify the element.


As of now I have data in the first page only. For that find element activity timeout exceeded error coming. In find element I passed currentrow(0).tostring in aaname selector
i.e currentrow(0).tostring=value beside checkbox that needs to be checked