Amazon price tracker automation help

I have created an amazon price tracker automation for my semester project, with an UI for users to give input of the product using streamlit, I have published the package and gave the nupkg file in streamlit.

Now when I run the file in UiPath I get the output excel sheet,but when I run the automation in streamlit, it does the automation but not the excel output.

Could anybody help me,
1)How can I take the excel output and send it to the users mail id.
2)What can I use and how can I take the lowest 5 prices and show it in the frontend
3)Is there any way to automate everytime the user gives the input.

I will attach my image and my frontend code below,could anyone give suggestions:

Main.xaml (26.7 KB)

please find below answers
1- once you wrote the datatable assign the path file to a string. please use a unique file name as long as the process run maybe daily so we want to keep all outputs and tomorrow output should not replace today output in this case assign
Str_ouputFile =“MMddhhmmss”)+“.xlsx”

write range workbook with using file path assigned above
use send mail activity and attach the file using Str_ouputFile path

2- use linq query to go to the price column and convert it into list and make sure to replace $ if exist with nothing, the list should be of integer and then use list method .min to get the lowest prices

3- yes sure have a config file for you process which user can have access to it and change the value of product column to the product user wants to scrap, do not hardcode the product in your project use the value from config file each time bot will run will get the product name form the excel and scrap it

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