Allow Only numeric in Input dialog Activity


I’m Using Input dialog activity to get user selection inputs.User input must be in numberic value.If user enter input as alphanumeric or alphabet means we need to show a warning message and ask the user to re-enter.

How can we achieve this using IF activity and conditions.Please help me in this.

like this
Main3.xaml (10.0 KB)

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@jack.chan Thank u so much for your help.

information.isNumberic(userinput)is used to allow only numerice values.It’s working fine.
I have another condition Input dialog does not allow null or white spaces Can u please help me in this…


change if condition to this

information.IsNumeric(userInput) and not string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userInput)

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Now It’s workingfine.

Thank you so much for your help…

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