AI Fabric - No Data Manager Documentation

Hi guys,

Along the lines of Document Understanding new capabilities offered through AI Fabric:

I tried to use these models through the Enterprise Trial, however the model deployment is failing. I figured that it could be because these models require training before deploying the skill. I wanted to go through the documentation to understand how I can train these models through Data Manager that comes in as a part of AI Fabric. However, I was unable to find any link to Data Manager.

Have anyone used the Data Manager for enterprise trial? If so, what is the link that I can use to access it?
and if you have any documentation, it would be great if you can share the link for it…

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Hello @Lahiru.Fernando,

Data Manager is for now only available on premises, so you would have to request an On Premises Trial through your Sales representative. The documentation is here:

However, which model are you trying to deploy, and how is it failing? Are you using AI Fabric in the Cloud through Automation Cloud?


Additionally, @Lahiru.Fernando deploying Out of the Box models (Invoices, Receipts, Utility Bills, etc) does NOT require retraining unless you want to optimize/fine tune them on your own data. You should be able to deploy the models without any retraining. Please let me know if you run into any issues.


Hi, I just wanted to clarify, is it that we cannot use Data Manager on docker on a local machine?