2] after desrializing i am getting in below format where it is writing in new line. we need as it is like previous in one line.
my question is why it is moving to new line for \n but in previous example 1 coment came as it is.
help me on same . requirement is we need comment as it is no need to move in next line if \n is there after deserializing.
Note : i am not using direct deserialize activity instaed i am using “JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(of JArray)(ReadBlock(result after doing htp call), myJSS)” this to desrialize.
cehck comment part
i am deserializing using“JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(of JArray)(ReadBlock(result after doing htp call), myJSS)”
and then appending each line in text file using append line.
i need comment in one single line