I have to put data into an excel and I am having trouble adding together some data that will go into the same cell. For example both 05:10:34 and 30:37:37 have to go into the same cell, so they must be added together. They are currently stored as variables of type int32. I was hoping a simple “+” would work but it just put them together: 05:10:3430:37:37. Any help?
Where admin (minutes) is where these two times should be added together to go. Admin and IT variables are from read cell activities in a separate data excel file and are currently stored as int32 type.
Desired outcome would be the number 35:47:37 in the Admin (minutes) column.
Another question, it isn’t a big deal if this can’t be done, is it possible to use an array or something else to check if the minutes or seconds are above 60 when they have been added together and to then correctly sort that out.
This (35:47:37) should not be in the int32 type as it is a minute: seconds in your excel. So converting to string or integer will not help at all especially in making the basic calculations. There is DateTime data type in UiPath, I believe you can use it for this if you manage to create a custom format to match the format in your excel.
I tried this but anytime I use timeSpan it says “Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “timeSPan ts1”. End of expression expected”. I did try to make ts1 DateTime type but it didn’t change the error message.