@vr10 ,
Would these two values be present in the Column Code
along with Laptop
, Desktop
and Telivision
What is the result/output that you receiving now for the current workflow suggested with the original input ?
@vr10 ,
Would these two values be present in the Column Code
along with Laptop
, Desktop
and Telivision
What is the result/output that you receiving now for the current workflow suggested with the original input ?
Would these two values be present in the Column Code
along with Laptop
, Desktop
and Telivision
In Column Code "Services" only along with these 3(
In Category code
(Code column)services --Premier Support(Category column)
(Code column)services --Deployment/Recovery Services(Category column)
like that is there these 2.
Now i am getting answer correct as per sample file. but if i chagned some variables like (Support , Mobsupportservice )like iam getting wrong because its Varibales so.
If i want to change the variables how is it in Future also (like i have to change in Vb.net Query only)
(Is it possible to contact you)
Would these two values be present in the Column Code
along with Laptop
, Desktop
and Telivision
In Column Code "Services" only along with these 3(
In Category code
(Code column)services --Premier Support(Category column)
(Code column)services --Deployment/Recovery Services(Category column)
like that is there these 2.
Now i am getting answer correct as per sample file. but if i chagned some variables like (Support , Mobsupportservice )like iam getting wrong because its Varibales so.
If i want to change the variables how is it in Future also (like i have to change in Vb.net Query only)
(Is it possible to contact you)
@vr10 ,
We would require to know what would be the output for the original type of format.
Do note that in your initial sample input, you have only mentioned Mobile
in the Code column and Support
in the Category, but now we have two values in such a manner Services - Premier Support
and Services - Deployment/Recovery Services
. We would need to know if there are more than one values what needs to be done for each of the case.
For the Mobile Support
, the logic was to copy it’s Qty
value to the Support
column and also copy the same to the other Code
type values. But when we have two values now, what would need to be done ?
If provided an example case, we should be understand, Keep in mind the dynamics that would be present when providing us with sample cases to work on.
Thanks for Knowing,
I think after the answer as per requirement i have to change but here i can’t change the variable so i don’t now this scenario.
Present i have 2 Services future i have to add one More.
Input File:
I have showed above is Input Sheet First i have filter to work ((Code)Support- Premier Support(Category)) in one sheet(like support, total, Percentage and Remarks).
like same i have to work another sheet:(Code column)services --Deployment/Recovery
Services(Category column).
In future if i get one more i have to add like that and work
@vr10 ,
Could you provide the Expected Output data for this Input sheet ?
Input file will combine all the services first i will filter and Add the data in sheet name as “Premier support” and next sheet as “Deployment/Recovery” like that we have to work.
In Premier support-sheet we will shown only that qty work
In “Deployment/Recovery”-sheet we will shown only that qty work like that we have work
Remaining everything same only filter services as per requirement.
Procedure is same just we have change as per Requirement to filter “Premier support” And “Deployment/Recovery”.
I hope your understood.
Hi .
Any update for this code…
@vr10 ,
If that is the case, then we would need to add a few more steps to the process or modify the existing process :
For Each
Activity and get the unique values present in the column Category
(Premier support, Deployment services). For that purpose, we could use the Below Expression in the For Each
Activity.DT.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(x)Not(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x("Category").ToString) Or x("Category").ToString.Trim.Equals("-"))).Select(Function(x)x("Category").ToString).Distinct.ToArray
For Each
Activity, we would need to perform the Filter for the Input datatable with current Category item that is iterating through and use the Filtered Datatable for Calculating Support
, Total
, Percentage
and Remarks
. Filtering can be done using the Filter Datatable
Activity. But now, we are using the TempDT
as the input, as it is the Filtered datatable for each Category that we have to use.(From d1 In TempDT.AsEnumerable
Group d1 By k=d1("Number").toString.Trim Into grp=Group
From g In grp.DefaultIfEmpty
Let onlyReqGrp = grp.Where(Function(x){"Laptop","Desktop","Telivision"}.Any(Function(y)y.ToString.ToLower.Equals(x("Code").ToString.ToLower))).ToArray
Let SupportGrp = grp.Where(Function(x)Not({"Laptop","Desktop","Telivision"}.Any(Function(y)y.ToString.ToLower.Equals(x("Code").ToString.ToLower)))).ToArray
Let support = If(SupportGrp.Any,SupportGrp.Sum(Function(x)CDbl(x("Qty"))),0)
Let total = onlyReqGrp.Sum(Function(x)CDbl(x("Qty")))
Let percentage = If(total=0 OrElse support=0,0,Math.Round((CDbl(support)/total)*100))
Let remarks = If(onlyReqGrp.Any,"("+String.Join("+",onlyReqGrp.Select(Function(x)x("Code").ToString))+")","No Values")
Select ra = g.ItemArray.Concat({support,total,percentage.ToString+"%",remarks}).ToArray
Select OutputDT.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable
Write Range
Activity and write the Output datatable OutputDT
generated into the Excel sheet. For the sheet name you could use iterative variable category
shown in the image below.The whole modification would look like below :
Compare the Steps and the whole view provided, you should be able to implement the workflow.
The workflow is the same, the part/requirement which was missed out earlier was multiple outputs need to be generated for each category type.
I believe this is what was required.
Sorry For Interrupting again and again.
Replied in 16th:This code was perfectly working just for varibale that is mobileSupportGrp (Because i want to change instead of this
(Code column)services (Mobile Replace Services)–Premier Support(Category column)(Support Replaces)
(Code column)services(Mobile Replace Services) --Deployment/Recovery Services(Category column)(Support Replaces)
that’s it Apart from everything Fine
see Output file:
If i get 2 code also fine first one for: Services-Premier Support
2nd one for :Services-Deploymeny/RecoveryServices.
Please change it the variable names
(From d1 In DT.AsEnumerable
Group d1 By k=d1(“Number”).toString.Trim Into grp=Group
From g In grp.DefaultIfEmpty
Let onlyReqGrp = grp.Where(Function(x){“Laptop”,“Desktop”,“Telivision”}.Any(Function(y)y.ToString.ToLower.Equals(x(“Code”).ToString.ToLower))).ToArray
Let mobileSupportGrp = grp.Where(Function(x)Not({“Laptop”,“Desktop”,“Telivision”}.Any(Function(y)y.ToString.ToLower.Equals(x(“Code”).ToString.ToLower)))).ToArray
Let support = If(mobileSupportGrp.Any,mobileSupportGrp.Sum(Function(x)CDbl(x(“Qty”))),0)
Let total = onlyReqGrp.Sum(Function(x)CDbl(x(“Qty”)))
Let percentage = If(total=0 OrElse support=0,0,Math.Round((CDbl(support)/total)*100))
Let remarks = If(onlyReqGrp.Any,“(”+String.Join(“+”,onlyReqGrp.Select(Function(x)x(“Code”).ToString))+“)”,“No Values”)
Select ra = g.ItemArray.Concat({support,total,percentage.ToString+“%”,remarks}).ToArray
Select OutputDT.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable
@vr10 ,
Were you able to implement the Steps provided in my previous post ?
Did you not receive the output as expected ?
The suggested changes should work for dynamic values in the category column, Even if you have more than 2 values in Category, it should give you the required output.
The number of output sheets generated will depend on the number of values present in Category column.
I don’t Required Dynamic value In one sheet after getting fileter first Premier Support Calculation
Next sheet Development/Recovery Services calculation
Both are different so Input Data i am getting same sheet but i have filter these 2 .
Did you not receive the output as expected ?: i am getting perfect Answer what i am telling In Sample file “Mobile” “Services” name is there but in original file name should “Services” “Premier Support” so i can’t change its variable so i am asking that’s it apart from everything working Fine.
these 2 are fixed for calculation present:
“Services” “Premier Support”
95% Everything working fine just for name for variable(“Mobile” -“Services” )instead of this i have to add these 2:I have to add that’s it
“Services” “Premier Support”
I hope Your understood
@vr10 , If the values are fixed, then you could replace the first step :
Instead of that Expression provided you would just need to use the Values of Category as an Array.
{"Premier Support","Deployment/Recovery Services"}
The For Each
Activity value would be changed in the below way :
@vr10 ,
Check the below workflow :
Excel_Calculate_ColumnValues.zip (791.6 KB)
Check the Input, Then run the workflow. An output file should be generated. Check if that is the Output that is needed for the input provided.
Thanks a lot for replying now working Everything is perfect.
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