hello community, i have an html templete for message body . i have used base64image as well but image size is to large 1600x1600 so i am getting message that this message is too large can anyone help how to reduce the size of image to 200x200.
check the reference
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when it is about resizing the image
- create an UiPath.Core.Image Variable from the base64 String
- calculate the Scale Factor
- scale the image
- retrieve the new Base64 String
myBigUiPathImage = new UiPath.Core.Image(strB64Big)
ScaleFactor = 200 / myBigUiPathImage.Height
strB64Small = myBigUiPathImage.Scale(ScaleFactor).Base64
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thank you for your suggestion
So can the topic be closed?
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thank you i got the solution.
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