Adding data to queue question

Can I add data tables to queues.
My input is an excel sheet. I need to group by a column name. My transaction item is these grouped of rows. How can I add these grouped rows to Queue?

Thank you so much,

depending on some details e.g. column count, rows count, values, column datatypes

When above factors were not extremed stretched we can do:

  • convert the grouped rows into datatable / convert it to csv data
  • store the CSV string on the queue item

Alternates / Variations:

  • using data service
  • using storage bucket

and use a link / id info on the queue item

Thank you @ppr will try this. How does it work when I retrieve the CSV string with get Transaction item?

Thank you,

then it will be converted back into a datatable

  • generate Data Table Activity using the CSV string
  • Custom CSV Parsing

Thank you, @ppr. If it is not too complex to use data tables with Queues, I prefer to go that way. Please advise the easiest way of doing this of the approaches suggested.


as mentioned above

Kindly note: we did not mention serializing the datatable to JSON as it creates overhead and increases the needed char length

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Thank you so much!

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