Adding data from excel to Word

hello guys. I would like to ask for help so that I can automate adding data from the following Excel cell rows in Word by combining each Excel cell row into one. I want to automate adding words one by one with the reason that every time I successfully add a sentence I will add an image

Currently I can only merge each Excel cell row in Word. with example output like this

and what I expected was like this

this flow UiPath i can do
Sequence3.xaml (13.2 KB)

and this the excel data
coba.xlsx (164.1 KB)

I hope anyone can help me. Thank You

Hello @gilang_mandiri Try this…
I have not run the entire sheet but you can see the output.docx is similar to something you like. You just need to modify the logic to add dynamic filename for the image based on the text
output.docx (62.7 KB)
Sequence3.xaml (22.4 KB)

thank you so much Sir

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You’re welcome @gilang_mandiri. I’m glad to help

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