Add text to PDF content using Foxit PDF

Hi everyone,

I need to add specific remark to multiple PDFs using Foxit PDF editor. The remark input is determined by the employee ID from Excel.
The expected output is shown below,

I try to build the UIPath activity

However, I encounter a big issue. I cannot select the element precisely (i.e. (f) Salaries Tax paid by Employer) using “Type into” activity. Much appreciate your advice.

PDF sample & Excel table are attached
Form.PDF (5.5 KB)

Remarks.xlsx (9.8 KB)

Hello @sunnywsl

Is there a possibility to convert this to word document and use bookmark and word activities to fill the form and to convert back to pdf.?

Using UI for pdf automation is not a good approach if it can be resolved with backend approach.

Thanks Rahul
However, I only have PDF format.
I am afraid the format of the form will be changed if converted to Word using some tools.

There can be a possibility… another option is to use keyboard keys to jump into each input fields in the pdf and to type.

HI @sunnywsl ,

Could you try the below Component :

Let us know if this doesn’t suit your case.

Thanks @supermanPunch
It is not working because my pdf document is not pdf form, so there are no field and property value.
I tried to build the activity using the solution suggested by you. The keys and values return empty.

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