Add One Excel Data To another Excel

Hi all

And Excel 1 and Column names

I have Exce21 and column names are Given Below

My Requirement Add Excel 1 add/Replace Data In Excel2 Based On There Columns.
How can i achieve This.

Thank You!!!


can you explain more about your requirement


as i explained i do have two excels and need to add one excel data into another excel where few column name are different and we need to add data only to same columns names we simply ignore the unwanted columns .
how can i achive this ?

thank you!!!


can you try with megre datatable activity

and later remove unwanted columns

Hi @Yoichi, Would You Please Help Me On this!!!

as i explained i do have two excels and need to add one excel data into another excel where few column name are different and we need to add data only to same columns names we simply ignore the unwanted columns .

Excel 1

Excel 2

how can i achieve this ?

thank you!!!

you can follow the approach.

Assuming you to add data from excel 2 to excel 1.
step 1: read excel table 2
step 2: drop columns which are not part of table 1
step 3: append excel table 1 and table 2


Can you try MergeDataTable with Ignore in MissingSchema property

Sample (14.6 KB)



Hi @vineelag ,
Can you share your file?
I will test for you
I think we can use merge data table

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@Nguyen_Van_Luong1, Sure Will Share

I have another Doubt I am Getting like this Error while reading Excel


Where Excel Headers Look like This

Thank You!!!

@Yoichi Unable to open the file getting like this

Hi @vineelag ,
you want to add data of 2nd file to end row in 1st file?
1.We can read 1st file to get data.rowcount to get index of end row
get start row to insert data form 2nd file call is intStart file 2nd to get data → not get header,
write to 1st file start index intStart get in step1
no add header

Could you create then share sample file, with sample data, I see it’s private data, can’t not share


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Which version of Studio do you use?


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Version 2023.4.6

I have another Doubt I am Getting like this Error while reading Excel


Where Excel Headers Look like This

Thank You!!!

can You Share With Me As Xaml !!!

Ok, I will create file look like your file
then try it
I will sent code to you



How about the following sample?

Sample (21.2 KB)


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Hi @vineelag ,
My input

my output
Is this expect output

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Its Working But I Don’t want Column Name(A) From Excel1

These are the Actual Files

Book1.xlsx (9.4 KB)
Book2.xlsx (9.7 KB)

Please Kindly Let Me Know On This.

Thank You!!!


Can you also share expected output as file?


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Hi @Yoichi

Here is the Excepted OutPut

OutPut.xlsx (10.2 KB)

Thank You!!!