I would like to add logo of my company to body of email (I use Send SMTP Mail Message).
How to do it?
I would like to add logo of my company to body of email (I use Send SMTP Mail Message).
How to do it?
Hi @Krzysztof
Have a look to the below threads :-
Mark as solution and like it if this helps you
Happy Automation
Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal
these articles are not helpful for me. First concerns outlook, second - add screenshot image:(
You can use HTML content to your mail body
Use tags and css styles where ever you needed
Please revert me if it helps
Mark as solution if it works
Hi @Krzysztof,
Use this methods to add images from a folder through sending an mail
( AttachmentType )( oAttachmentvar )=new Attachment( Imagepath )
while using send smtp activity you need pass Argument values as your “Imagepath”
find below workflow for References.
SendingImage_mail.xaml (7.6 KB)
Hope this helps,if it works mark as solution.
It works! Thank you.
As I see, there is not necessary to use strBody in body of email. If I use it, under the image I have a text:
Am I right?
What have I do to get the image under the text email?
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