I am getting this type of error Add Data Row: Input array is longer than the number of columns in this table. so can anyone help with this
i think you give extract value please check the build data table or excel file or share your xml file i will give you solution
Chethan P
if you are passsing a array in add add data row check the size if datatable consist 3 column then array needs to be of size 3
can you please tell me how to add size ? my data table consists of 15 columns
sorry I am a new user I cant share files
we cannot add size supposose
Column Name : Name || Age | | Mobile Number
Its size is 3
And if you are trying to use add data row for this then
In your case it is 15 and you are adding more than that
if you can create a sample xaml i can rectify the error
if it works to you
but it is having more than 1000 rows in data table
Ok fine How you are adding the data
Datarow or Array row
how many columns does row.itemarrya has?
i am using arrayrow (row.itemArray)
15 columns and more than 1000 rows
its more than 15 thats why it is throwing may pe try to print log before add data row
row.ItemArray.Length so that you can check it is 15 or not
ya its 38
So it is throwing the error
Let me know if you need further help
otherwise mark it as a solution
but how to resolve this error
you have to pass array which has a length of 15
check each row array data print it in logs what is coming xtra after that you can remove that
no i want whole array each row and column
you cant use add data row to add the row which contain 38 column and the main datatable which has 15 row
you have take a fully new datatable
main data table also contain same column 38