I am trying to attach a zip file in http request.
my path is a network path something like this
I do not get any error. And also the attachments are not added to the destination.
What am I doing wrong?
I am trying to attach a zip file in http request.
my path is a network path something like this
I do not get any error. And also the attachments are not added to the destination.
What am I doing wrong?
exactly where you are trying to add , some custom API or REST API of JIRA or Service now. Try to set up in properties panel do not setup by ‘Configure’… Go to properties-> Attachment → Pass the variable there → Variable should have filepath.
Thanks, Jagravi
I am trying to create a ticket in JIRA.
If I remove the attachments then I am able to create the ticket.
When add the attachment nothing happens and no error message.
The attachments are added in the same way you mentioned.
The file path also includes the file name in zip.
Can you share the file of screenshot of the flow. and Property panel
Try to send input parameter in as per the format in below url. JIRA 7.6.1
For Attachments, add the field ‘attachments’ and Body it self and try once Also add content type as ‘application/json’ or ‘application/any’ in headers.
@parnalmahavir.patni Or make two calls. First create issue and then call the second API to add attachment as per below sample. but for this again you will need issued or Issue key which will be generated after creation.
So in general it can be three steps, where first create issue, get issue id and than add attachment.
I tried to do it other way around.
I used JIRA Scope to add attachment after the HTTP request.
It works fine.
I recently struggled with a similar case, you may need to change the body format to “application/binary” but I recommend to take a close look of your API documentation, even try to test it on an external client like postman to ensure is not a problem with the API itself.
This configuration worked for my use case:
where FileName is the file name (this was required by the API spec, may not be needed in your case)
and in_DocumentPath is the full path of the file
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