Activity 'WriteTextFile' not working in UIPath 2022.10.1

UIPath Automation - C#

Directly after upgrade to the latest UIPath (version 2022.10.1) I encountered an error on activity WriteTextRile. The required ‘Write to file’ input in this activity does NOT accept a compilated string (to a certain folder at the file system) anymore.

Error message: Can not implicitly convert string to UIPath.Platform.ResourceHandling.ILocalResource.

Also, UIPath Documents on Activity WriteTextFile, aren’t updated if this is an intended change.

Hi @applicatiebeheer

Just try with “Filename.txt”


No, I think not! The ‘outputFile’-variable is already a string!

…because error still exists

…also your suggestion (picture) shows you aren’t on the latest version (2022.10.1) published (pushed) last Thursday (13-10-2022)

@Gokul001 (Gokul Balaji)


If you use UiPath.System.Activities package 22.4.4 or lower, can you try to upgrade it to 22.4.5 or 22.10.1?


Hi @Yoichi (Yoichi), …as asked!

See… …closed and reopend UI Studio… … no luck! Error stil exists…


Did you upgrade UiPath,System.Activites package? (The above seems UiAutomation package)


Hi @Yoichi (Yoichi) …the other one as well
…still no luck!

…updated all packages! Still exists…


After upgrade the System.Package, can you try to clear File property, then set string at Filename property in Properties panel?


…minutes ago, there was a link in that activity, something about ‘advanced setting’! I did check that link, at that moment the property dialog was also pretty empty… as it is currently, see

…as you see! There isn’t an option (anymore) in the properties panel to store a string on Filename…


Is the above property of WriteTextFile activity? As it might be corrupted, can you try to put new WriteTextActivity from activities panel then check and set properties?


…I’ll try again! (did that last friday also)… …won’t hurt to do it again!

@Yoichi, @Gokul001

…first commented out the probably troublesome activity, then loaded a new one… …still problem!

Silly! I have to wait for 24 hours, why? This isn’t my first time I came up with something


At least, you need to input string at Text property and Filename property.


…I did not fill in the properties (too hasty, you’re so right!!)… happy me!! …with properties… problem seems to be gone !!! Started testing already… Thanks Yoichi!

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…proof! I works again!

Moral of the story: First thing to do after UiPath directed upgrade > upgrade the underlying packages also!!

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