Activity used to write data to excel and how to convert pdf data to data table
after we read the data from Text PDF.
Hi @Taruna_Gupta ,
read PDF file get String value
use generate data table to convert String to data table
then use write range in excel scope to write data table to excel
try my code
or with ocr text
pdf _excel.xaml (15.7 KB)
Option 1: Use Generate Data Table from Text activity
Option 2: Try with Regex expressions
=> Use the Read Pdf text activity to read the pdf data to a String variable.
=> After that use the Generate datatable from text activity to convert the string data to the datatable.
=> Then use the Write range workbook activity to write the datatable to excel.
Check the below image for sequence of activities
Note - For using the Read Pdf text activity you have to install the UiPath.Pdf.activities package.
Hope it helps!!
In that case, we should be able to read the PDF data using PDF Activities and apply String/Regex manipulation to get the data into a Datatable format.
Is it possible for you to provide us with the PDF document or a Sample of that PDF having the same pattern of data as the original PDF document ?
We could check if a String/Regex manipulation would be an easier approach for the pattern of PDF data that you receive. (101.2 KB)
The above workflow uses another method, where we are first converting the PDF to Word Document and then extracting the tables using the Interop.Word